A2A Payments Are Taking off in Europe. Is “Peak Card” Around the Corner and Is It Coming to the US?

 By Kevin Jacques, Partner at Cota Capital

Bain & Company recently predicted that “peak card” may come as soon as 2029.  They project that other payment modes like Account-to-Account (A2A) will grow faster than card for the next several years.  

In this video, Todd Clyde, CEO of Token.io, and Kevin Jacques, Partner at Cota Capital discuss what drivers are accelerating A2A (account-to-account) payments adoption across Europe and what this might mean for A2A and RTP (Real-Time Payments) in the US market.



The Cota Access webinar series offers in-depth, market-driven discussions from featured founders, thought leaders, and leading executives, exploring cutting-edge business and technology trends that fundamentally impact large enterprises.


Learn more about Token https://token.io/

A2A Payments Are Taking off in Europe. Is “Peak Card” Around the Corner and Is It Coming to the US?


 By Kevin Jacques, Partner at Cota Capital

Bain & Company recently predicted that “peak card” may come as soon as 2029.  They project that other payment modes like Account-to-Account (A2A) will grow faster than card for the next several years.  

In this video, Todd Clyde, CEO of Token.io, and Kevin Jacques, Partner at Cota Capital discuss what drivers are accelerating A2A (account-to-account) payments adoption across Europe and what this might mean for A2A and RTP (Real-Time Payments) in the US market.



The Cota Access webinar series offers in-depth, market-driven discussions from featured founders, thought leaders, and leading executives, exploring cutting-edge business and technology trends that fundamentally impact large enterprises.


Learn more about Token https://token.io/

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